Create an Alertpay Account

terça-feira, 20 de outubro de 2009

Alertpay is a free to join internet payment service allowing you to send and receive money online. And also there is no need to use credit card if you want to sign up for an Alertpay account.

This is a simple tutorial about making an Alertpay account.

Step by step :

1. Click the banner above


2. Click SIGN UP Button


3. Select your country and click on the CREATE ACCOUNT(Personal Starter) Button


4. Type your Personal Information and click NEXT button


5. Type your Alertpay register info and click REGISTER button


6. Open your email address and click the ACTIVATION CODE


7. Done, now you can join & start clicking in these PTC Sites to collect some $$ into your Alertpay account

http: //

Create a Paypal Account

As everybody known, Paypal is the most safest online payment method since it will not expose your credit card numbers and you just need to provide online merchant with your email address that you created to pay for your transaction or transfer your Paypal fund. There is no fee to join or open a Paypal account.
If you make money online, then you must have a PayPal account. Many corporate make use of its as it is a quick way to send and receive payments online. And, Paypal customers may transfer money to their regular bank account without any Paypal fees.
For your additional information, Paypal is a subsidiary of eBay, which is the one of largest companies on the Internet.
Types of Paypal Account
Basically, there are 3 types of different accounts you can sign up with Paypal:
Personal Paypal Account - this is for individual who use the Paypal account to purchase things online. You can receive money from Paypal instant transfer. There are no fees to receive money, and you will be charged only US$ 5 per withdrawal.
Premier/Business Paypal Account - If you are doing bigger transaction like selling goods online daily. Then it is advisable to create premier/ business account to lift up your monthly receiving limit. However, you need to pay some fees for receiving Paypal fund.
Easy Steps To Create Paypal Account
To create your Paypal account:
i) Sign up for an account by visiting the PayPal website and clicking the “Sign Up” link located at the left side of the page.
ii) Choose your country or region
iii) Choose your language
iv) Pick the Paypal Account type of your choice
v) Paypal will ask you to key in your credit card or debit card number. This is to deposit your money into your Paypal account. But you can skip this step and log in to your account by click the “Go to My Account” link. So, you can register your credit card later.

How to Register on Neobux

How do I register?
To register we need to click HERE
or simply click on the Banner.

Once done we are headed here:

We need to fill in the following:

- Username: Here we have to write our "nickname" or user name
- Password: Here we enter the password you want to use to identify and change options in our account
- Password confirmation: Here we enter the password again.
- Email: Here we write our e-mail. It must be real because it sends a verification Mail.
- AlertPay / PayPal email: Here we put up our alertpay or paypal address. You can change it later. If you do not have either put our email address written in the previous step.
- Referer: Here we put in the username -> rechyyy
- Birth year: We write our year of birth. It is appropriate to write your real age, if not it can cause problems in the future.
- Image verification: Here we write the letters in the image to confirm that we are not a robot.

Click "Continue."
We are directed to another page to confirm that our email address is real.

Validation code for... Here we introduce the code (copy and paste) that NeoBux has sent the mail account you got to register.
- Image verification: Here we write the letters in the image to confirm that we are not a robot.

We verify that we have written it correctly and click on "FINISH REGISTRATION".

Now we have our NeoBux account and can start using it!


Log in to your account

- Username: You enter the user name that you chose when registering.
- Password: You enter the password you chose during registration.
- Secondary password: The first time we log in and until we choose a second password this field must be left blank. This is important .
- Verification code: Here we write the letters on the picture to confirm that we are not a robot.

We verify that the data entered is correct and click "LOGIN".



Now Check-out the
>> NEOBUX GUIDE BY austinh100 <<
for all Infos you need to start at Neobux.

Neobux Guide

domingo, 18 de outubro de 2009

ndex of Guide

1.Earn from ads
  • 1.1.Opening the Ad
  • 1.2.Crediting Ads
  • 1.3.Types of Ads

  • 2.1.Renting Balance
  • 2.1.1.How to deposit money into your Rental Balance
  • 2.2.Renting
  • 2.3.Renewing
  • 2.3.1 How to Renew your Refs
  • 2.4.Autopay
  • 2.5.Direct
  • 2.6.Banners
  • 2.7.Extra Features
  • 2.8.Recycling

3. Stats
  • 3.1.Rented Referrals listing
  • 3.2.Direct Referrals Listing
  • 3.3.Referral Statistics Page

  • 4.1.Standard
  • 4.2.Golden
  • 4.3.Golden Packs

  • 5.1.Transferring to Neobux
  • 5.2.Withdrawing from Neobux

  • 6.1.Private Messaging (PM)
  • 6.2.Chat Room
  • 6.3.Forum
  • 6.4.Avatars (Personal Icon)

  • 7.1.Secondary Password
  • 7.2.Security Card

  • 8.1.Support Ticket
  • 8.2.Support Forum
  • 8.3.Live Support

=========Start of Guide=========
***NOTE*** any image that looks like the following, means that i am currently waiting for something to reset or something of that nature to get the pic:

1. Earning from Ads

Advertisements are one way to earn in Neobux.Once you finish viewing these Ads you will receive money and be able to get clicks from referrals tomorrow.

1.1 Opening the Ad

First go to the view advertisements page by clicking HERE or clicking view advertisements in the top right.

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Click the blue title of the Ad to get this:

Esta imagem foi redimensionada. Clique nesta barra para ver a imagem em tamanho real.

Click the red dot to open the ad page, this looks like this and you will have to wait a couple of seconds for the ad to load:

1.2 Crediting the Ad

To get you money you have to wait for the ad to credit, to do this wait for the bar to completely load

Once its done loading it has to display this

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After this is displayed you will get your money for the ad view

1.3 Types of Ads

There are three types of ads here at Neobux.
Mini Ads- Shorter (15 secs), less money ($0.005 for regular users)
Normal Ads- Normal length (30 secs), Normal Money ($0.01 for regular users)
Extended Ads (Extended View Ads)- Longer Length (60 secs), More Money ($0.015 for regular users), Blue highlighted background

Referrals are an easy way to make more money off of Neobux.Referrals click ads and you receive money from their click.

2.1 Renting Balance

The renting balance is used to rent referrals and for other payments like renewing your referrals and paying for Autopay.

2.1.1 How to deposit money into your Rental Balance

You can deposit money into your rental balance by going to your account page by clicking our name in the top right corner

Then click rental balance

After you click that you will come to a page like this:

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Here you can add money to your rental balance
1.Minimum transfer from account balance is $0.10
2.Minimum Transfer from PayPal/AlertPay is $5.00

2.2 Renting

*waiting for my referral time to reset, will post on 6/30*

2.3 Renewing
There are many options for renewing in Neobux.
  • 30 Day Renew
  • 60 Day Renew (10% Discount)
  • AutoPay (10% Discount) (Explained Later)
  • 90 Day Renew (20% Discount)

So you may ask what are the benefits of renewing your referrals for longer, well the simple answer is that it will be cheaper for you in the long run.

2.3.1 How to Renew your Refs
First click the rented referrals listing button to go to that page

then you should land at this page:

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from here you can see all of your referral activity and have the ability to renew and more. You can choose to Renew a ref by checking its box next to its name and going to the bottom of the page to the white option box here:

2.4 AutoPay
AutoPay is a simple tool to be used by members that can't afford 90 day renewal, it offers a 10% discount from regular 30 day renewing and can be very useful.AutoPay is very different from all other methods of renew because it renews your refs daily. AutoPay pays for each referral that click today to be renewed one day. A chart of costs is below

So How do I Enable AutoPay?
Enabling AutoPay is very easy, all you have to do is go to your rented refferrals listing page here:

Then click the ENABLE link here and you now have AutoPay on!

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2.5 Direct Referrals

***NOTE: YOU CAN'T GET DIRECT REFERRALS BEFORE 30 DAYS AND 100 CLICKS, and no they will not credit to your account after you go over those restrictions***

Direct referrals a members that have joined Neobux under your referral link, you get profit from these members just because they signed up under you! Direct Referral's clicks are treated like a regular rented referral so what ever you get from your rented per click is what you will get from a Direct Referral.

You can view your direct referrals here

You can also remove inactive direct referrals on that page by checking the referral you want deleted and going to the options menu just like you would to renew a rented referral.

2.6 Banners

You can get to the banners page by clicking on your name in the top right hand cornor and then once the page reloads click the banners link on the left (pic below)

Esta imagem foi redimensionada. Clique nesta barra para ver a imagem em tamanho real.

once you get here there are four different banner images you can use:

You can choose what ever style that you like by clicking the arrows left or right on the banners page

Your referral link to get direct referrals is the first link on this page.All others are to be used in the situation stated on the left of it.You can get your link by hivering over it and right clicking with your mouse then clicking copy and pasting where you want the link.

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Another cool feature is that you have the ability to hide your account name in your ref link. You can do this by clicking the option box in the top right corner of the page and select the other option in the box (normally numbers like 6315479F534567) this will display where your name normally is.

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2.7 Extra Features
The colors from behind the graphs can be changed by visiting that graphs page and moving the slider found on top (picture below) (ex. rented referrals background colors and bar colors can be changed in the rented referrals listing page).

When you go to change this bar you will notice that three buttons pop up. These buttons are:

  • Apply (will be grayed until you move slider)- will apply current postion of the slider
  • Save- saves the position of the slider for every time you login
  • Disable- shuts the color coded referral listing, graphs and average bar off

Flag System

The Flag system is a very helpful way to organise your referrals so you can manage them better. The Flag system can be found in your rented referrals listing page and the colors can be changed in two ways.

Esta imagem foi redimensionada. Clique nesta barra para ver a imagem em tamanho real.

The first way to change the color of the flag is to click the lag and then click the color of the flag you want it to change to.

Esta imagem foi redimensionada. Clique nesta barra para ver a imagem em tamanho real.

The second way to change the color of the flag is to check all the referrals boxes that you want the flag color changed anf use the option box to change the color.

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2.8 Recycling

Rented referrals that are inactive or not up to what you would like them to be can be recylced and you will recive a new referral.Recycling gets rid of a bad referral for a hopefully good one at a cost of $0.08 and can be very helpful if used right.I would suggest waiting 3-4 days before recycling new referrals if they are not clicking.

How to Recycle
There are two ways to recycle a referral, both are in the rented referrals listing page. The first way is to click the recycle icon next to the PM icon and click yes. All money from recycling will fist be deducted from your renting balance but if there is not enough in the renting balance it will be deducted from your main balance.

Esta imagem foi redimensionada. Clique nesta barra para ver a imagem em tamanho real.

The second way to recycle is to put a check in all the referrals boxes that you want recycled and use the options box to select recycle.

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austinh100 editou esta mensagem em 2009/06/29 às 17:35
 297 Mensagens
2009/06/25 às 02:02 

Ganho: $19.81
Referidos: 3

3. Stats

These Pages can help you manage your referrals and make sure your making money .

3.1 Rented Referrals Listing

The rented referral listing is a very useful page where you can do many things like:
  • Extend your referrals
  • Export your referral list
  • Change colors of the slider
  • Recycle Referrals

3.2 Direct Referrals Listing

here you can view if you direct referrals are active or not, where you got them from and delete them if you dont want them.

3.3 Referral Statistics Page

The last page is the Referral Statistics Page, you can go there by clicking HERE.

Once you go there it should look like this but have different dots because u dont have my referrals .This page can help you decide if you are gettin money from your refs or losing by letting you know the average that your referrals are clicking and the average that it thinks you will end the day with.

4. Memberships
These are they types of memberships avalible in Neobux.

4.1 Standard
This is the membership that all members tart out at. Here is what is in this membership:
  • $0.01 regular click
  • $0.015 extended click
  • $0.005 regular ref click
  • $0.01 extended ref click
  • No discounts
  • Limit of 500 rented refs

4.2 Golden
The Golden membership is the next step to makeing lots of money beacause of all of the features. To become a golden member you must be a member of neobux for 15 days, have 50 personal clicksand have rented a referral package twice, after you meet these requirements it costs $90.

  • $0.01 regular click
  • $0.02 extended click
  • $0.01 regular ref click
  • $0.02 extended ref click
  • Renting Referrals, AutoPay, Renewing Dicounts
  • Limit of 2000 rented refs
  • Extended Stats

4.3 Golden Packages
Golden packages you can buy after becoming golden. The allow you to make more money by increasing what you make from referrals and decreasing the price for the referrals. The info found below can be found on this page HERE.
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5. Money

This is where I will explain how to witdraw your money from neobux and how to place money into your neobux account.

5.1 Transfering to Neobux

PayPal (Verified Accounts ONLY!)
  1. Make sure your PayPal Account is verified
  2. Follow instructions on 2.1.1
  3. Select PayPal to add to your Renting Balance
  4. Select the ammount you wish to transfer
  5. Complete transaction in PayPal

  1. Follow instructions on 2.1.1
  2. Select AlertPay to add to your Renting Balance
  3. Select the ammount you wish to transfer
  4. Complete transaction in AlertPay

5.2 Transfering from Neobux

*****TO BE ADDED*****

6. Features
These are some of the many unique features Neobux offers and what they are used for.

6.1 Private Messaging (PM)
The PM system can be used to chat with other members of NeoBux.

How to Enable PM's

Go to your account page

Click the Personal Settings link in left Menu

Change the Private Message setting from NO to YES

6.2 Chat Room

The chat room can be used to solve some of the questions you may have quickly and easily. It can also be used to chat with other memebers of NeoBux about almost anything, but be careful about what you say there are Moderators in most chat rooms!

How to get to the Chat Room

Click the Chat link in the top right hand corner to open the chat room in new window

Once it opens you will come to a page like below and you can chose what chat room you would like to enter

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Once you have chosen you can chat when the chat room looks like this

Esta imagem foi redimensionada. Clique nesta barra para ver a imagem em tamanho real.

6.3 Forum
The forum at Neobux can be used in many ways. It can be used to seek support, talk about everyday things, request new features for Neobux and much more!


This is a diagram of the interface you will see when you go to read or reply to a topic/poll.

Esta imagem foi redimensionada. Clique nesta barra para ver a imagem em tamanho real.

1. EDIT (only shows if the current post is made by you)- Allows you to edit the contents of the post
2. REPLY - Allows you to reply to the post
3. QUOTE - Allows you to reply to the post with a quote above your post (see 5)
4. Time Stamp - Shows when the post was first posted
5. Quote - Shows what the poster chose to quote
6. Text - The posters text goes here
7. Avatar - Shows posters avatar or a picture of a featureless man if there is not one
8. Stats - Shows posters Stats if they have Enabled
9. Post Number - Shows what number post it is in the thread, when you put your mouse over it will darken and you can use the up and down arrows to go to the top or bottom of the current page (see below)

10. Username - Displays the posters Username
11. Private Message (PM) - if golden you can PM this user, if it is white you cannot
12. Country - Flag of the country that the poster logs in from
13. Number of posts - Shows the number of posts the poster has

Hoow to post a Topic/Poll


You can create a topic on almost any page in the forum by clicking this button:

Once you click this you will get a inter face like this:

1. Font - Changes Font styles (Bold, Italics, Underline)
2. Highlight - Highlights text yellow
3. Link - Allows you to make a like out of text and make it redirect to a new page
4. Image - Allows you to post an image in your topic
5. Numbered List - Lists items in order with numbers in front (1,2,3,4)
6. List - Lists items with bullets in front of them (
  • like this
7. Quote - Quotes another Thread or another post in your Topic
8. Code Fragment - Posts a box around any codes you may have in your topic
9. Smilies - Opens a box to chose what smiley you want to use:

10. Topic Title - Place the title of the topic you want to create here
11. Description - (not needed) Posts a small description of your topic underneath your topic title
12. Exit - Closes the Post a new topic window
13. Disable Smilies - Shuts off smilies in your new topic
14. Subscribe to Topic - Sends you an Email every time a new post comes
15. Preview - Shows what your topic will look like
16. Post New Topic - Post's the Topic you created


Same as Topic but a few differences.

One difference is that you have the ability to choose the question and the answers the vote on

6.4 Avatars (Personal Icons)

Avatars are a fun way to express what you like and how you are feeling.

How to Enable Avatars

Go to your account page and click personal settings in the menu:

Then go down to Personal Icon and pit the URL of the avatar (#1), enter your password and press save changes (#2)

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Now you have a Avatar

7. Security

These are some of the many security features in Neobux that will help keep your account safe.

7.1 Secondary Password

Having a secondary password makes it hard for Hackers or other people to guess your password

How to Enable

Go to your account page and click personal settings in the menu:

Then go to Personal Data and change use secondary password from NO to YES and enter your secondary password

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Finally Enter your password at the bottom and press SAVE CHANGES

7.2 Security Card

*******Waiting for it to be Released*******

8. Support

These are some of the many ways to get help if needed.

8.1 Support Ticket

A support ticket can be used if any of your questions or problems are not answered by the Help, ToS, or the Forum.

How to send a Support Ticket

Go to the Support page by clicking the link in the bottom right of every page:

Then Read what it says on the page before submitting

Once you click Contact Support enter your problem or question and click Submit Support Request

8.2 Support Forum

You can post on the forum and have your question answered that way, for info on how to post on the forum please look at 6.3

8.3 Live Support

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